2024-2025 MEMBERS
GSA | August 2025 | |
GSA | August 2025 | |
ASUN | August 2025 | |
ASUN | August 2025 | |
Phil Geib, School of Global Studies | pgeib2@unl.edu | August 2025 |
Cynthia Cress, Special Education and Communication Disorders | ccress1@unl.edu | August 2025 |
Charles Nwaizu, Food Science & Technology | cnwaizu2@unl.edu | August 2026 |
Lauren Gatti, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education | lgatti2@unl.edu | August 2027 |
David Woodman, School of Biological Sciences | dwoodman1@unl.edu | August 2027 |
Hannah Ditmars, Special Education & Communication Disorders | hannah.ditmars@unl.edu | August 2027 |
Kim Hansen, School of Biological Sciences | kim.hansen@unl.edu | August 2027 |
Nick Monk, Director, Center for Transformative Teaching, and Designee of Executive Vice Chancellor | nickmonk@unl.edu | cont. |
Deb Hope, Associate VC and Dean of Graduate Education | dhope1@unl.edu | cont. |
The Teaching Council shall consist of the Executive Vice Chancellor (or designee), the Dean of Graduate Education, two members chosen by the collegiate deans, six faculty members appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate and four students, including at least one graduate student, appointed by ASUN. The Chair of the Teaching Council shall be one of the appointed faculty members. Members shall be chosen in such a manner as to represent the spectrum of instructional programs at UNL as widely as possible, and no more than three members may be persons who hold administrative positions of department chairperson or higher. Terms of faculty members shall be three years.
The Council shall have major responsibility for the encouragement and support of efforts to improve instruction and learning at all levels at UNL. Funds appropriated specifically for improvement of instruction and learning and made available to the Council by the Chancellor shall be expended with the advice of the Teaching Council.
To fulfill its mission, the Teaching Council will assist in the selection of recipients of campus teaching awards including the Sorenson, OTICA, UDTA, and the ADT; it will participate in the review of and nomination for Teaching and Learning seed grants; it will support and promote initiatives to enhance the quality of instruction at UNL, such as the Century Club; and it will interface and collaborate with other campus bodies, such as the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, to nurture teaching excellence across the campus.
*Source: UNL Bylaws, Section 1.9.9