Intercollegiate Athletics Committee

2024-2025 MEMBERS




 ASUN August 2025
ASUN (Intercollegiate Athletics Team Rep) August 2025
 GSA August 2025
Callin Hake, President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee August 2025
Mardi Schmeichel, Teaching, Learning & Teacher Educationmardi@unl.eduAugust 2025
Kristen Blankley, College of Lawkristen.blankley@unl.eduAugust 2025
Jake Messersmith, Managementjmessersmith2@unl.eduAugust 2025
Bradley Barker, 4-H Youth Developmentbbarker1@unl.eduAugust 2026        
Sharon Baldinelli, College of Journalism and Mass Communications.       sharonb@unl.eduAugust 2026
Richard Graham, University Librariesrgraham7@unl.eduAugust 2027
Barney McCoy, College of Journalism and Mass Communicationsbmccoy2@unl.eduAugust 2027
Kristen Brown, Sr. Women's Administrator Athleticskbrown83@unl.educont.
Scott Fuess, Institutional Representative to the Big Tensfuess1@unl.educont.
Troy Dannen, Director, Athleticstdannen2@unl.educont.



The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee shall consist of 13 members:

(a) seven (7) faculty members appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate, with no more than two faculty members from the same college;

(b) two (2) students, at least one of whom must be a student member of an intercollegiate athletics team, selected as determined by ASUN;

(c) President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Board

(d) the Institutional Representative of the University to the Big Ten Conference;

(e) the Senior Associate Athletic Director/ Senior Women's Administrator; and

(f) the Director of Athletics.


Faculty members shall serve three year terms. The terms will begin with the academic year, and will be staggered with at least two members appointed annually.


(1) The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee shall review and make recommendations on all Athletics Department policies, programs, and practices to ensure that they are consistent with the educational mission of the University and that they are supportive of student-athletes in their academic as well as athletic endeavors.

(2) These recommendations may be made to the Athletic Department, to the Institutional Representative to the Big Ten Conference and to other intercollegiate athletics organizations, to the Presdient, to the Chancellor, and to the Faculty Senate.

 (3) The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee shall make studies, reports, and recommendations on the following policies:

(a) the eligibility of varsity student-athletes to participate in intercollegiate competition and the overall record of those student-athletes in meeting UNL academic standards, including the requirements for admission, satisfactory grades and graduation;

(b) athletics scholarships and their implementation;

(c) academic support for student-athletes, including advising by advisors in their academic areas;

(d) schedules and changes in the schedules of athletics events to ensure conformity with academic standards and Senate policies on class attendance and examinations;

(e) institutional participation in various areas of intercollegiate athletic competition;

(f) evaluation of the athletics programs and the Athletics Department on its own initiative or as requested by the Athletic Department, the Chancellor, the NCAA, and other intercollegiate athletics organizations;

(g) issues on the agenda of the Big Ten, NCAA or other intercollegiate athletics organizations at which UNL will be officially represented.

(4) The Intercollegiate Athletics Committee shall adopt procedures designed to increase communication between the Athletics Department and the rest of UNL and the Committee shall report to the Faculty Senate annually.


The chair shall be a faculty member elected by the Committee.


The committee shall file in the Faculty Senate Office (a) minutes of its meetings, and (b) a current statement of operating procedures and guidelines adopted by the committee itself. For more information on this committee and general Faculty Senate rules governing its operations see the Preface.