2024-2025 MEMBERS




Barney McCoy, College of Journalism and Mass Communications      bmccoy2@unl.eduAugust 2025
Lisa Crockett, Psychologyecrockett1@unl.eduAugust 2026        
Mary Ellen Ducey, University Librariesmducey2@unl.eduAugust 2026
Christopher Harris, College of Businesscharris58@unl.eduAugust 2026
Ken Price, Englishkprice2@unl.eduAugust 2027
Josh Davis, Associate to the Chancellorjdavis@unl.educont.
TBA, Libraries Representative cont.



The Honorary Degrees Committee shall consist of seven members:

(a) five (5) faculty members appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate;

(b) one (1) faculty member appointed by the Dean of Libraries; and

(c) the Chancellor, or designee.


Faculty members appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate shall serve three year terms. The terms will begin with the academic year, and will be staggered with two members appointed annually. The faculty member appointed by the Dean of Libraries will have a one year term, and can be reappointed.


(1) The Honorary Degrees Committee shall be responsible for actively soliciting and selecting nominees for honorary degrees, and nominees for the Louise Pound-George Howard Distinguished Career Award.

(2) Recommendations for honorary degrees are made to the members of the Faculty Senate at its December meetings, or at a time so indicated by the President of the Senate. Howard/Pound nominations shall be forwarded to the Senate for its consideration at its February meeting.


Selection of Nominees:

(1) The Honorary Degrees Committee shall invite nominations from colleges and appropriate administrative unit for candidates for honorary degrees and the Howard/Pound Award with sufficient lead time to receive and consider nominations.

(2) The Committee shall collect additional information pertaining to the nominees that will facilitate the selection process.

(3) In keeping with procedural guidelines established by the Committee, the Committee shall review all nomination materials and select those among the nominees determined appropriate for recommendation to the Senate.

Approval Process:

(1) Consideration of the nominee(s) for Honorary Degrees will be at the meeting of the Senate at which the names are presented. See Above.

(2) Senate voting for approval or disapproval of the nominations shall be by secret ballot with ballots by the Office of the Faculty Senate.

(3) Those nominees receiving a simple majority vote of approval by those voting at the Faculty Senate meeting shall be the Senate's Honorary Degree Candidates. These names will be forwarded by the President of the Senate to the Chancellor for submission to the Board of Regents.


The committee shall file in the Faculty Senate Office (a) minutes of its meetings, and (b) a current statement of operating procedures and guidelines adopted by the committee itself. For more information on this committee and general Faculty Senate rules governing its operations see the Preface.