Faculty Senate Executive Committee



October 1, 2013 


The Executive Committee shall consist of thirteen members: 

(a) The President of the Faculty Senate; 

(b) The President Elect of the Senate; 

(c) The Past President of the Senate; 

(d) The Secretary of the Senate; and 

(e) Nine (9) ordinary members. 

Ordinary members must be members of the Senate at the time of their election; they shall be nominated and elected by the members of the Senate at the last Senate meeting of the academic year. Any member of the Executive Committee whose term as an elected member of the Senate has expired shall become an ex officio voting member of the Senate until the term on the Executive Committee expires. No more than four members of the Executive Committee can be from one college or IANR. At least one member must be an Extension Educator, at least one member must be a non-tenure track faculty member other than an Extension Educator, and at least one member must be a tenure track/tenured faculty member, if qualified nominees are available.


Ordinary members shall serve three year terms. The term will begin with their election at the last meeting of the Senate, and will be staggered with at least three members elected annually. 


(1) The Executive Committee shall act for the Faculty between meetings of the Senate and the UNL Assembly and shall meet with the Chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at least twice per month, except that one of these meetings may be waived by mutual consent if the Chancellor appears and answers questions at the regular meeting of the Senate for that month. 

(2) The Executive Committee shall advise and otherwise assist the Chancellor in carrying out all the duties and administrative functions specifies in Section 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.

(3) The Executive Committee shall report to the Senate about such meetings and receive instructions form the Senate concerning the position of faculty relating to the operations of the University. 

(4) The Executive Committee shall be the committee designated by the Faculty Senate to advise the Chancellor concerning a state of financial exigency, as required in section of the UNL Bylaws. 

(5) The Executive Committee shall review and may recommend changes in the University calendar. 

(6) The Executive Committee shall provide for the review and recommendation of changes in the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and/or the UNL Bylaws. 


(a) The Executive Committee shall convene at the call of the President of the Faculty Senate or upon written request of three Executive Committee members. 

(b) The Committee may call special meetings of the Faculty Senate. 

(c) The Committee shall function in an advisory capacity to the UNL Chancellor and Vice Chancellors, and to the President of the University of Nebraska, on budgetary matters which are directly associated with the UNL faculties. 

(d) The Committee shall represent the UNL faculty on the President's Intercampus Advisory Committee. 

(e) The Committee shall nominate faculty member(s) to serve on ad hoc or search committees established by the Chancellor, the President of the University, or the Board of Regents. 

(f) At least once each year the President of the Senate and the Executive Committee shall examine committee reports for generic problems. 


The committee shall file in the Faculty Senate Office (a) minutes of its meetings, and (b) a current statement of operating procedures and guidelines adopted by the committee itself. For more information on this committee and general Faculty Senate rules governing its operations see the Preface. 

*See Sections 3.3.10 and 3.3.12 of the UNL Bylaws.