2024-2025 MEMBERS




Margaret Mering, University Librariesmmering1@unl.eduAugust 2025
Nate Ianno, Electrical & Computer Engineeringnanno1@unl.eduAugust 2025
Max Mueller, Classics & Religious Studiesmax.mueller@unl.eduAugust 2025
Kevin Hanrahan, Glenn Korff School of Musickhanrahan2@unl.eduAugust 2026
Elizabeth Spiller, Englishespiller2@unl.eduAugust 2026
TBD August 2026
Joe Dauer, School of Natural Resourcesjoseph.dauer@unl.eduAugust 2027
Frauke Hachtmann, College of Journalism and Mass Communicationsfhachtmann@unl.eduAugust 2027
Kelli Kopocis, Durham School of Architectural Engineering & Construction Managementkellikopocis@unl.eduAugust 2027
Ed Harris, Biochemistryeharris5@unl.eduAugust 2027
Josh Davis, Associate to the Chancellorjdavis@unl.educont.
Karen Griffin, Coordinator of Faculty Governance (non-voting)        kgriffin2@unl.educont.


The Committee on Committees shall consist of eleven (11) members who shall be representative of the diverse ranks and academic units of UNL.

(a) One (1) faculty member elected each year from and by the Faculty Senate in the Spring semester; nominees shall be selected from the current Senate by the Executive Committee;

(b) Two faculty members appointed each year by the Faculty Senate President;

(c) The President of the Faculty Senate or designee;

(d) The Chancellor or designee.

No more than two members of any one college faculty and no more than eight full professors (in each case, excluding the President of the Faculty Senate, the Chancellor or their designees) shall serve on the Committee.


Except for the President of the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor (or their designees), faculty members elected or appointed shall serve three year terms. The terms will begin with the academic year.


(1) The Committee shall study the organization and operation of all standing and special committees of the faculty Senate and of the various boards, councils, and committees of UNL, either as requested by the Chancellor or the Faculty Senate or on its own initiative.

(2) The Committee may make recommendations in writing to the Chancellor or the Faculty Senate with respect to improvements in committee structure and operation.

(3) The Committee shall provide nominations, recommendation, and direct appointments for committees in accordance with the Preface and committee descriptions in this Syllabus.



The committee shall file in the Faculty Senate Office (a) minutes of its meetings, and (b) a current statement of operating procedures and guidelines adopted by the committee itself. For more information on this committee and general Faculty Senate rules governing its operations see the Preface.