Ad Hoc Committee Addressing the AAUP Censure

Ad Hoc Committee Addressing the AAUP Censure 

November 2018 




AAUP Representatives 
Professor Julia SchleckEnglish
Professor Regina WerumSociology
Administration Representatives 
Associate Vice Chancellor Judy WalkerOffice of Executive Vice Chancellor                   
Assistant to the Chancellor Tami StrickmanChancellor’s Office
Faculty Senate Representatives 
Professor Christina Falci, ARRC Representative             Sociology
Professor David WoodmanSchool of Biological Sciences
Professor John LindquistAgronomy & Horticulture
Professor Kristen BlankleyLaw College
President Kevin Hanrahan, ChairGlenn Korff School of Music



The Ad Hoc Committee to Address the AAUP Censure shall consist of nine (9) members: 

(a) two (2) faculty members identified by local AAUP President; 

(b) two (2) UNL administration representatives; 

(c) five (Faculty Senate Representatives as chosen by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, one of whom shall serve as chair. 


Recommend changes to UNL/Board of Regents Bylaws/Policies/Procedures/Processes to strengthen Academic Freedom at UNL to remove UNL from AAUP censure.