2024-2025 MEMBERS




Melissa Gomis, Librariesmelissa.gomis@unl.edu      August 2025    
Maria Marron, College of Journalismmmarron2@unl.eduAugust 2025
Margaret Mering, Librariesmmering1@unl.eduAugust 2025
Robert Derr, School of Art, Art History & Designrderr2@unl.eduAugust 2025
Mark Vrtiska, School of Natural Resourcesmark.vrtiska@unl.eduAugust 2025
Phil Geib, School of Global Integrative Studiespgeib2@unl.eduAugust 2025
Nicholas Husbye, Teaching, Learning and Teacher Educationnhusbye2@unl.eduAugust 2025
Janel Simons, Librariesjanel.simons@unl.eduAugust 2025
Roger Hoy, Biological Systems Engineeringrhoy2@unl.eduAugust 2026
Tessa Boesiger, Special Education & Communications Disordertessa.boesiger@unl.eduAugust 2026
Gwendwr Meredith, School of Natural Resourcesgmeredith@unl.eduAugust 2026
Aaron PeeksMease, Sociologyapeeks3@unl.eduAugust 2026
Jennifer Davidson, Economicsjdavidson2@unl.eduAugust 2026
Eveline Baesu, Mechanical & Materials Engineeringebaesu@unl.eduAugust 2026
Amanda Higgins, Nutrition & Health Sciencesahiggins7@unl.eduAugust 2027
Bob Powers, Chemistryrpowers3@unl.eduAugust 2027
Arthur Allen, School of Accountancyaallen1@unl.eduAugust 2027
Richard Kettler, Earth & Atmospheric Sciencesrkettler1@unl.eduAugust 2027
Clark Potter, Glenn Korff School of Musiccpotter1@unl.eduAugust 2027
Judy Harvey, Special Education and Communication Disordersjudy.harvey@unl.eduAugust 2027
Sue Jensen, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Designeesue.jensen@unl.educont.



The Academic Standards Committee shall consist of twenty three members, as follows:

(a) twenty-two (22) faculty members appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate;

(b) the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, or designee.

(c) Every attempt will be made to insure that every college will be represented in the 22 faculty membership.

Only three of the faculty members shall serve as voting members at any one time.


Faculty members will be appointed to three-year staggered terms (seven per year, eight every third year). The President of the Senate may reappoint those faculty members who request another term.


(1) The committee's general responsibility shall be to consider and act upon written appeals submitted through their respective colleges by undergraduate students who have been dismissed from UNL as a result of academic performance.

(2) The committee shall meet to approve or deny appeals made after final grade determination at the end of each semester and the end of the second five-week summer session. Meetings shall be held as required between the date for dismissal notification and the third day of classes for the spring semester, the end of the first week of classes for the fall semester. Normally, daily meetings will be required for a period of 8-10 days each semester and the Thursday and Friday immediately before the first and second five-week summer sessions.

(3) The committee shall consider and act upon written appeals submitted through their respective colleges by undergraduate students whose registration has been blocked because they have not removed entrance deficiencies within the time/credit-hour limits prescribed in the 1997 Admissions standards.

(4) The committee shall report regularly to the Faculty Senate, and recommend changes in its policies and provisions if and when it deems appropriate to do so.


The committee shall file in the Faculty Senate Office (a) minutes of its meetings, and (b) a current statement of operating procedures and guidelines adopted by the committee itself. In the preparation of minutes and required reports, this committee must of course observe strict confidentiality of information as appropriate. For more information on this committee and general Faculty Senate rules governing its operation see the Preface.