Louise Pound - George Howard Distinguished Career Award

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Faculty Senate

Louise Pound-George Howard Distinguished Career Award


In 1990, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Faculty Senate established the Louise Pound-George Howard Distinguished Career Award in order to recognize individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the University of Nebraska.   The individual’s contribution may have been made through teaching, research, public service, administration, or a combination of these factors and reflects a long-standing commitment to the University.   Nominees for the award shall be present or former employees of UNL and may be either staff or faculty members. 

 The award is presented to the recipient at The  Laurels ceremony in September, and the recipient will be given an appropriate award to symbolize the importance of the award.  Beginning in spring 2011, the winner is also awarded a plaque at the September Faculty Senate meeting and a reception is held in honor of the recipient. 


-         Call for Nominations and Procedures

-          List of Previous Award Winners of the Louise Pound-George Howard Distinguished Career Award